Monday, October 04, 2021

The Link Between Economic Liberty and Religious Liberty

 Prof. Richard Epstein: "An even broader look at the place of religion in the [Welfare/Regulatory State] shows that many of the greatest threats to religious liberty stem from the insufficient protection of individual liberty in economic affairs."

Landmark laws often single out churches for landmark status (making it difficult to alter the building if new needs arise).

Zoning laws can zone churches, parochial schools, and religious homeless shelters and soup kitchens out of commercial areas and residential areas.

Jack Phillips was forced by law to choose between his livelihood and his religious liberty.

The contraceptive mandate challenged in Hobby Lobby, was an economic regulation of a private business owned by a deeply religious family who wished to run the business based upon their religious conscience.

Try to think of more examples of government regulations affecting property and private enterprise that can have the incidental effect of restricting religious liberty.

When we protect economic liberty for everyone, we also protect religious liberty along with secular liberty. Liberty for all is liberty for each one.

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