Sunday, October 06, 2024

DeGroff's Protection of Religious Employees When Working for "Woke, Inc."

DeGroff can be huge when dealing with woke corporate culture cases! It protects all employees, whether employed by government or in the private sector. It protects the little guy, the forgotten man and woman.

Woke corporate and legal culture is like a secular religion with dogmatic sacred doctrines involving issues like abortion, gay marriage, and gender transition. And those who refuse to bow the knee to these religious doctrines and narratives are treated as heretics, and often fired or disciplined.

Consider what Jorge Gomez of First Liberty, a public interest law firm defending religious liberty and freedom of speech, says about woke corporate culture:

Instead of equality for all, woke corporate culture encourages the opposite and often leads to religious discrimination. People of faith shoulder the consequences of this discriminatory (and illegal) behavior. Its religious Americans who are often fired, docked pay, prevented from advancing, retaliated against, and alienated. The bottom line is that the ‘canceling’ of people of faith has become an all-too-familiar pattern.

For example, suppose Woke, Inc (or Woke and More Woke Esquire) requires employees to:

--post their “preferred pronouns” on their office doors or email or letterhead; or
--wear a pride pin during the month of June; or
--participate on behalf of their employer in the annual pride parade; or
--attend a 2-day diversity program on transgenderism and LGBT issues; 
--be vaccinated with the Covid vaccine

How about this one—suppose an employer requires employees to share a hotel room with another employee of the same sex when traveling on business trips. A married Muslim woman is assigned to share a hotel room with a biological male who identifies as a woman.

Or a large pharmacy requires a Catholic pharmacist to fill a prescription for a abortafacient drug?

Or a large grocery store bakery requires employee Jack Phillips to bake a custom wedding cake celebrating same-sex marriage?

Suppose an employee requests an exemption from any or all of these requirements as a religious accommodation under Title VII. 

Apply DeGroff.

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