Sunday, February 14, 2021

Sad Anniversary of Justice Scalia's Death


 I miss him every time I read one of his opinions. Justice Scalia was, in my opinion, the greatest ever to serve on the Court.

Here is one of my favorite Justice Scalia stories. Scalia was a man of faith, a devout and traditional Catholic. And his faith was probably the defining characteristic of who he was.

So in a 2013 New York Magazine interview with Jennifer Senior, he said this about his own legacy: “I have never been custodian of my legacy. When I am dead and gone, I’ll either be sublimely happy or terribly unhappy.”

Ms. Senior was surprised at this, and asked “Do you believe in heaven and hell?

To which Scalia replied “Of course I do.”

He then whispered “I even believe in the Devil.”

Ms. Senior seemed surprised that a brilliant Justice might actually believe in Satan, and she asked Scalia what the Devil is doing these days.

Notice the secular skepticism—almost shock--directed at Scalia’s belief in what the Bible clearly teaches.

But Scalia replied, almost like one of his penetrating dissents: “What he is doing now is getting people not to believe in him or in God. He is much more successful that way.” 

Argle-bargle that, Ms. Senior!


PS If you are not aware of Justice Scalia's use of the term "argle-bargle," just Google Scalia and argle-bargle.

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