Friday, February 28, 2020

Cheese Factories vs. Idea Laboratories

Here is a post from a past year's class about our discussion of Locke v. Davey as a free speech case:

I really enjoyed our discussion about Locke and free speech today and I particularly enjoyed how several of you were struggling with the argument that a scholarship program is a metaphysical forum for educative speech as opposed to just a product or service supplied by government.

Here is one way I think about this. I ask myself: "Are universities more like cheese factories, or more like idea laboratories?" If the former, then Rehnquist is right and a scholarship program is not a forum for speech. But if the latter....

By the way, could government provide a $5000 per annum stipend to all college professors on condition that the professors not teach socialist theory or feminist theory or theory critical of the War in Iraq in class during the period of the grant?

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