Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Prof. Kavanaugh's Black Letter EC Formulation

 As we leave the Establishment Clause behind, you should keep in my Justice ("Professor") Kavanaugh's summary of the current EC doctrine from his concurrence in American Legion:

"[T]he Court today applies a history and tradition test in examining and upholding the constitutionality of the Bladensburg Cross....And the cases together lead to an overarching set of principles: If the challenged government practice is not coercive and if it (i) is rooted in  history and tradition; or (ii) treats religious people, organizations, speech, or activity equally   to  comparable  secular  people,  organizations,  speech,  or  activity;  or  (iii) represents  a   permissible  legislative  accommodation  or  exemption  from  a  generally applicable law, then  there ordinarily is no Establishment Clause violation. The   practice   of   displaying   religious   memorials,   particularly   religious   war  memorials, on public land is not coercive and is rooted in history and tradition. The Bladensburg Cross does not violate the Establishment Clause. . . ."

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