Thursday, January 14, 2016

Con Law Seminar Spring 2016

Welcome to the Constitutional Law Seminar! I am excited about this year’s seminar because there are so many recent and important issues to discuss and debate.

The purpose of this short memo is to discuss the requirements for the course and to explain how your grade will be calculated.

The requirements for each student are:

1. Participate in our class discussions;

2. Do a class presentation of your research paper; and

3. Write a 30-45 page research paper (similar to a short law review article or student note) on a constitutional law topic of your choosing. Your paper may focus on any issue normally covered in our Constitutional Law I and II courses, but may not focus on issues of criminal procedure. You should discuss your topic with me at your earliest convenience. You must get approval of your topic from me.

Your grade for the course will be based 100% on the grade you receive on your paper, however, your grade may be increased by one full point for exceptionally good class participation (including an excellent presentation of your paper).


Professor Duncan’s office is in Room 220. Please feel welcome to stop by any time.

Professor Duncan’s email:

Please check the course blog regularly for class announcements and substantive content. I will assume you have notice of anything posted on the course blog.

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