Wednesday, August 01, 2018

Religious Liberty vs. The Sexual Revolution

Prof. Doug Laycock, who supports both same-sex marriage and religious liberty, makes a very thoughtful point:

One of the ironies of the culture wars is that religious minorities and
gays and lesbians make essentially parallel demands on the larger society.
I cannot fundamentally change who I am, they each say. You cannot
interfere with those things constitutive of my identity; on the most
fundamental things, you must let me live my life according to my own
values. We can honor both sides' version of that claim if we will try.

And in all but a tiny fraction of these cases, the issue is not whether
any other individual can obtain contraception, or whether a same-sex
couple can have a wedding with the full panoply of catering, clothes, photographs,
flowers, and all the rest. All those things are readily available
in the market place in most of the country. The issue is whether the religious
conscientious objector must be the one who provides these things.

What are your thoughts?

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