Sunday, October 13, 2013

Weekend Thought: Is it too late to Restore Federalism?

Sometimes I get discouraged. It just seems that the 10th Amendment and the reserved powers of the states and we the people in the states are lost forever, and we have lost the Constitutional government that we were bequeathed by the Founders. But then I think of Katniss Everdeen of the Hunger Games.

As that well-known federalist and lover-of-liberty once observed, even after the Capitol usurps the reserved powers of the Districts and the liberty of we the people in the Districts, it is never too late to reclaim those powers and liberties. Here is how Katniss put it:
"President Snow once admitted to me that the Capitol was fragile. At the time, I didn't know what he meant. It was hard to see clearly because I was so afraid. Now I'm not. The Capitol's fragile because it depends on the districts for everything. Food, energy, even the Peacekeepers that police us. If we declare our freedom, the Capitol collapses. President Snow, thanks to you, I'm officially declaring mine today."

[Mockingjay at 169.]

Well put, Miss Everdeen! 

Maybe the odds are in your favor after all.

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