Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Daily Kos Poll: Sad Story

Over at the liberal blog, The Daily Kos, they ran a poll asking readers to vote for which person--President Bush or Osama Bin Laden--the voters despised more. Although at one point Bush was winning by a vote of 70-30 percent, after the Blog begged readers to correct this result, they turned it around and Osama won by a vote of 58 to 42 percent. Here is the Blog's own explanation of the embarrassment this caused them:

Osama Poll

The people who saw the poll actually voted that they despise our President more than someone who is accused of killing 3000+ Americans in a terrorist attack.

This cannot stand. George Bush is wrong on almost every issue near and dear to my heart, but he has done it as our elected leader, whether you voted for him or not. Our anger needs to be unleashed at the polls and the elections. They have now deleted the poll from the site due to its embarrassing results.

The poll should have a third option, despise both, since the enemy of my enemy is not always my friend.

But PLEASE PLEASE fellow members of this site, change the results of this poll to the terrorist, and not our President.

Wow! The Daily Kos rightfully expressed its concern that the site was "being marginalized" by the way its loyal readers voted in the poll and expressed its relief that Osama pulled ahead in the end. As one wag put it, it's nice to see that in the end loyal Kos readers "displayed a sense of proportion."

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