Saturday, November 13, 2021

Dale and the Right of Expressive Association

Is the Boy Scouts an "expressive association?" Is one of the purposes of the Boy Scouts to associate "in pursuit of ...political,  social, economic, educational, religious, and cultural ends." (casebook p. 1603)

If so, will "forced inclusion" under public accommodation laws of openly homosexual "activists" such as Dale "affect in a significant way the ability of the group to express those views, and only those views [right not to speak], that it intends to express."

Would forced inclusion as a leader of a LGBT Youth Group, of someone who had publicly expressed his view that homosexual conduct is sinful and immoral, interfere with the group's right of expressive association?

What about forced inclusion of David Duke (a KKK member) as a leader of the NAACP Youth Group?

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